Love a Mystery?
The Mystery Box is a new addition to The Meditation Box: a feature book and two secret meditation products to inspire and delight your at-home practice.
Inside the Winter ‘Reflection’ Box
“Only in still water do we see the depth of our reflection.” Winter is our Season of Stillness .. an invitation to shift inward for quiet reflection and contemplation.
Inside the Autumn ‘Letting Go’ Box
The wisdom of Letting Go is the potential for expansion, growth and evolution. The Autumn Meditation Box reminds us that when we unfurl our fingers and ‘let go’ .. we become lighter and ready for growth..
Interview: Nicolas Cortes, Kenkō Wellness
Nicolas Cortes from Kenko Wellness has only recently started a regular meditation practice, but shares some of his experience and insights in our "Inside the Box" interview.
A sneak peek inside!
A sneak peek inside The Autumn ‘Letting Go’ Meditation Box shipping 6th March across Australia.
5 Benefits of Letting Go!
Letting Go is not easy .. but there are benefits and I would like to share 5 Benefits of Letting Go.
Box Themes for 2024!
As we move through the seasons .. what themes will we find in The Meditation Box in 2024.
Interview: Prateek Shrestha, Singing Bowl Shop
A beautiful interview with Prateek Shrestha from the Singing Bowl Shop in NSW - our second interview for "Inside the Box".
Feeling uninspired with your meditation?
Feeling uninspired with your meditation practice?
Interview: Di Mattingley, Nunchi Oils
Our inaugural interview for "Inside the Box," is the remarkable Di Mattingly, the visionary behind Nunchi Oils.