our new ‘practice’ newsletter.
After sending out the Autumn ‘Grounding’ Box to all of our lovely subscribers, I spent a full day just clearing and cleaning my office and workspace .. littered with all the paperwork, post-it notes, wrapping paper, boxes of all sizes, bits of sticky tape and a mass of those little potato starch padding balls.
I know that having a clear and spacious home (both our inner mental home, and physical space) can be incredibly GROUNDING.
And, while sorting and tossing and tidying, my mind also got a little mental clearing, which led to a few new ideas, because a spacious mind is ripe soil for creativity.
So. The weekly PRACTICE newsletter was born!
Now. Each and every Tuesday morning at the crack of dawn, you can expect …
~ a short but powerful meditative practice for your week
~ that aligns with the Meditation Box seasonal theme
If you are not yet a subscriber to The Meditation Box, the practice newsletter offers you a simple weekly Grounding practice to begin your journey.
And when we shift into Winter, and our new theme (stay tuned), the Practice Newsletter will shift as well.
Autumn Practices for ‘Grounding’
The Autumn Box explored meditation and mindfulness practices, and daily rituals, that cultivate a deeper sense of being Grounded. To be Grounded is to feel stable, supported and protected, content in yourself and able to drawn strength from your inner reservoir in times of change.
You can see what was in the Grounding Meditation Box here.
I know that I am late to share some of our practices here, I can’t explain where April has gone .. but there have been FIVE editions of our Practice ‘Grounding’ Newsletter and the response has been wonderful! Not only are these emails being opened at an exceptional rate .. but I have heard from many of you, how these simple practices have supported and nourished you.
“I love this one Sarah. Thank you so very much. This is a beautiful message to wake up to.” Peta
“This was just the practice that I needed today! How did you know?” Sue
My intention is to regularly share some of the practices here on the Journal. Starting today .. with the most simple and perfect way to Ground yourself, if you feel agitated, floaty or disconnected from the present moment.
Try it!
Touching the Earth
Studies have shown that spending 2 hours a week in nature, can be associated with good health and wellbeing, and listening to nature sounds can significantly reduce stress hormones (by to to 800%) and activate DNA segments responsible for healing and repairing the body.
Grounding or 'earthing' refers to practices that involve a direct skin contact with the surface of the Earth, such as with bare feet or hands. There is a growing body of research finding health benefits as a result of the physical body being grounded, unfortunately with our modern rubber or plastic soled shoes we have less opportunity to experience this natural electrical connection to the earth - unless walking barefoot.
* Remove shoes or coverings from your feet so you can be barefoot.
* Find a little piece of grass or beachside sand where you can comfortably stand for your practice. Play around with finding a comfortable standing posture. Try placing your feet, hip-width apart which is usually best for maximum stability.
* Wiggle your toes a little. Lift and re-ground your feet a few times.
* Close your eyes for a moment and do an internal body scan, drifting from your head right down to your feet. If you notice any holding or tightness, imagine that with each exhalation you can soften and release that hardness into the earth beneath your feet.
* Listen to all the sounds of nature and the world around you. Try not to over analyse or narrate, just listen.
* Notice, which parts of your foot are connected with the ground. What do you feel there? What is the temperature or texture beneath you? If you were to imagine your feet were scientific instruments .. what would they tell you about your current location?
* Try imagining the smallest of tender, fine, roots beginning to sprout from the soles of your feet, weaving their way deep into the earth below, just like a tree. And with each breath that you take, imagine those roots growing stronger and moving deeper into the cool welcoming soil, giving you incredible stability and support.
* Spend a few minutes Earth Breathing: inhale and imagine drawing your breath up from deep within the earth; exhale, and imagine you are releasing unwanted breath, tension or tightness back into the earth.
* Acknowledge to yourself: that, you are always being held, supported and grounded by the earth beneath you.
* Smile.
And when ready, return to your day.
You can receive your weekly Practice Newsletter here - Meditation Box Newsletter - subscribe here
I hope that this weekly email will serve as a source of inspiration, motivation and connection. xx Sarah