Autumn is ‘Grounding’
Autumn is the season that teaches us about impermanence and change. 🍁
As the weather gets colder and the sun dips, nature will begin to release and drop its foliage, returning its energy inward and downward - nourishing the soil and anchoring deep into the earth for stability.
We are also part of nature and influenced by the energy shifts of each season.
The cooler and darker weather will soon begin to pull us indoors, there will be less outward activity and more inclination to rest and get cosy .. we also nourish our space, and find safe harbour at home.
When we listen and observe the changes occurring all around us, and within us, we can shift our focus in meditation to practices, and daily rituals, that might give us a stronger foundation, a stability and resilience to weather the storms of change .. and offer us a real sense of ‘coming home’.
Practices that support and ground us might include:
Grounding practices might include:
* Somatic/body awareness
* Morning Rituals that reconnect us to the earth
* Mindful movement to ground the nervous system
* Grounding mind, body and spirit through the five primary senses - tapping into sight, sound, taste, smell and touch.
Feeling Grounded.
When we feel grounded .. we have a sense of stability, of being supported and protected, content in our own ‘skin’, active rather than reactive, more drawn to being present and comfortable in the stillness of the moment, with a reservoir of strength to draw from in times of change.
Most of us will recall the experience of being ungrounded .. a sense of being tossed around by life, easily tipped into overwhelm and constantly distracted, perhaps even a little spacey, which can leave us feeling physically, emotionally and spiritually fatigued.
Let your meditation practice bring you a strong sense of being Grounded and supported by the earth, in readiness for the solitude of winter.
If you feel called to explore ‘Grounding’ Autumn Meditation Box (limited edition) is now available for subscription.
Subscriptions are available for one, three or five seasons and will close when sold out or the end of the month prior to shipping (end of February 2023).